Well, kind of at least. I let go of the breads, but I am still very much a big fan of paleo-waffles and pancakes . And I needed something to go on top of those. So I found a simple replacement for each of the toppings and thought I´d share with you.
Replacement Fruit Jam

All you need is a large cup of fresh or frozen fruit (such as mixed berries or plain strawberries).
Put your cup into the microwave for 20 to 30 seconds. Take a fork and start smashing the fruit until you have a puree.
That´s it. Easy right? You could add some honey, but I didn´t since my pancakes contained some already and the bananas were sweet too.
And yes, those pancakes tasted as delicious as they look like. The mix of berry “jam”, banana, almonds, coconut flakes and cinnamon was to die for. You should absolutely try this out at some point.

Replacement Nutella

This one was actually pretty easy too. All you need is:
- a large cup
- 3 Tbsp of softened butter
- 1 Tbsp of honey
- 2 Tsp. of unsweetened cocoa
- 1 oz of dark chocolate
- 1 to 2 cups of ground hazelnuts

Little by little, add ground hazelnuts until you have a consistency a little more liquid than regular nutella.I guess you could add all this to a food processor but since mine is still from the middle ages I didn´t think it was worth the effort. Ground hazelnuts were good enough for this purspose.
This will be enough for about 4 servings.

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