Friday, I spent some time preparing foods to take with me. I ended up with a bunch of Paleo-Pancakes, fried Chicken, a Pepper and Tomato Salad, hard-boiled eggs, lots of fruit (mango, avocado, bananas, apples), tea and water.
Saturday morning at 6, I made myself an omelette (well, kind of since it fell apart) with salmon and hot tea and then we were on the road for 4 hours.

Once at my sisters old apartment, we started packing up stuff, dismantling furniture and all the other fun things related to moving.
Full from my breakfast, I had some of the salad, some chicken and a piece of fruit in the late afternoon, and then around nine I enjoyed a few of the paleo-pancakes with tea.
Then it was time to shower, go to bed and rest, since the next day was going to be all about moving stuff from one apartment to the next.
After breakfast (Paleo-Pancakes with Chopped Liver and hot tea), it was time to get the moving truck filled up. After a lot of running up and down the stairs carrying heavier and lighter pieces of stuff, we had the truck full and were ready to drive over to my sister´s new place.

The building my sister moved into is very old and the entry hallway is very narrow (as you can see on the picture). After a thin set of stairs there is a beautiful and charming apartment with lots of character that she can now call her home.
It wasn´t easy getting all of her furniture and bags upstairs, but after about 6 or 7 hours we were done with mostly everything including moving and setting up furniture).
I was already happy, since my Dad and I would be able to start the long drive home in the early afternoon, and then my sister strained her ankle, and so we ended up at the local hospital´s emergency room to take care of her injuries.
Bummer. That didn´t go as planned. All in all, we stayed at the emergency room for about 4 hours. Since we hadn´t eaten lunch yet, I also had my first encounter with intermittent fasting (which went pretty well when compared to how my dad, who is totally addicted to grains, felt).
Around 8 at night we finally made it back to my sister´s apartment, quickly ate the remainders of our food, grabbed our belongings and headed back on the road to return back to our home town.
Now, I have to admit that I did not stay completely cheat-free. After all of this hard work, I had to have some chocolate on the drive back home. At the gas-station I tried to find some dark chocolate, couldn´t find any and bought a milk-chocolate-bar with almonds (from a brand I always liked before turning paleo).
Fornunately or unfortunately (I am not sure which applies), I was able to only eat about 3 or 4 small bites before I was discusted by the fake sweet taste of the chocolate. I just couldn´t eat the whole thing as I had wanted to.
Instead I grabbed the last banana to remove the fake taste from my palette and to satisfy my sweet-tooth through fruit.
It seems that from now on I can just avoid all of my previous favorite chocolates since they are just far too sweet for my now more sensible taste buds.
I´ll rather stay with deliscious dark chocolate and fruits and will take some with me on the road if I am in that kind of situation again.
How was your weekend?
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