In case you would like to copy this absolutely excellent recipe, here is what I did.
I grated one Zucchini …

… added a small amount of leftover ground beef with mushrooms, salt, pepper, paprika spice, mustard and parsley …

… added 2 eggs and started mixing everything into a big glob… (at that point I still had hopes)

… removed some liquid that started collecting at the bottom of the mixing bowl and added 3 spoons full of glob to a pan with heated butter …

Well, unfortunately frying these patties took forever and when trying to turn them they fell apart. Too bad. So I just added the rest of the Zucchini-Glob, and fried everything stirring frequently until the eggs were cooked and my creation slightly browned.
In case you´re interested or just want a good lough about my efforts (or maybe feel better about you´re own epic fails) here is a picture of the results:

What do you think? Could be better, eh?
In my own defense I must say that the result at least tasted pretty good. I had most of it for dinner and the leftovers for lunch the next day.
Lesson learned: Don´t be afraid to experiment! Sometimes you´ll get something delicious, sometimes you´ll get something not worth a repeat.
Now get off the computer and start mixing random stuff for dinner :) …
Psssst: You might end up creating a new species of mini-globs, so be careful!
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