Today is day 11 of my paleo challenge and I am still feeling great. My family is starting to realize how my skin is changing for the better. Since my early adolescence I have suffered from low iron and sported that corresponding anemic and pale facial skin. Every once in a while I would get iron supplements but I am very good at forgetting to take those, so the results could be seen on my skin a lot.
I am happy to tell you, that my family keeps mentioning how much better my skin looks like and how much more color I have now. And I am realizing too that my skin looks many times better and healthier. Talk about a good side effect of changing your nutrition!
Here is today´s menu:
Honey Melon with Smoked Ham and Sunflower Seeds
Meatballs, Salad with Tomatos and Onions; leftover Veggie Soup
Veggie Stir-Fry (Scallion, Peppers, Zucchini, Carrots) in Coconut “Sauce”; leftover Meatballs; Organic Vegetable Juice
And here is how I created this last dish:
Ingredients (serves 2)
2 Green Bell Peppers1 Zucchini
2 Scallions
2 Carrots
1 handfull of coconut flakes
6 – 7 ounces Coconut Milk
Salt, Pepper, Paprika Spice, Thyme, Oregano
1. Cut all the veggies into small pieces
(I decided on adding the carrots only after everything was in the pan already)
2. Use coconot oil or butter to start frying your veggies

3. Add spices, coconut flakes and stir in the coconut milk.

4. Stir until well dissolved. Taste for additional seasoning.
5. Serve with meat or other leftovers.

I used to not like coconut for most of my life, which only changed about 3 years ago. Now I like fresh coconuts but coconut creations only to some extent. Today I bought organic coconut milk and was very positively surprised from how much more tasty and nutty this one tasted in comparison to the ones I have tried the last two weeks.
You can definitely tell a difference, and I know that with coconut milk I will stay with the organic version.
Using the organic coconut milk gave my veggies a subtle but delicious coconut flavor and I will be making this again with any veggie leftovers.
Maybe you will also give it a try.
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