First up, the menu:
Mango-Banana-Smoothie; Cut Mango with Sunflower Seeds and Cinnamon![]() |
(This without the Banana) |
Stir-fry with Pork, Broccoli and MushroomsDinner
Salad made of Bok Choy, Tomato, Carrots and Onion;Exercise:
Here is where my day turned from fun into disaster.
In the late afternoon my younger brother and his girlfriend offered my son and I to drive to a nearby forrest very popular with runners. Sure, I thought. Let´s go. Afterall this would be a great opportunity for my son to discover nature and to play a little in the mud.
Once there, my brother and his GF took of running and my son and I took our time discovering nature and all the forrest had to show. After some time, I decided to get off the actual track and to cross the forrest right through the middle to meet my brother on the returning loop of the path. It took us a little while to work our way through nature (my son enjoyed this a lot) but finally me made it.
Then we started a little running game. I would run 50m sprints (to get some paleo exercise), and then my son followed. We did that for a couple of rounds until we were tired and ready to return to the car.
And then once there, I realized that somewhere on our trip through the middle of the forrest and during the sprint sessions I must have lost my brother´s car keys.
Luckily, my next-door neighbour was also there for running (we met him by the parking lot) and he offered to take us back in order to get the second set of car keys.
Lesson Learned: Next time your stroll through the woods playing MovNat make sure that your keys are secured well cause you´re not going to find them, when you loose them.

On a site note:
All the way through High School, I used to be among the fastest female sprinters of my class. I was never part of an athletics club or anything like that, but at School Competitions I used to be among the best.
There was something I loved about running sprints and I always enjoyed them during outdoor sports season.
The past 10 years I rarely ever ran any sprints, and I realized today that I totally missed that. And since I was kind of curious to see how fast my sprints were now, 10 years later, I was positively surprised by myself.
Loosing the keys brought a little bit of a bitter ending to this great afternoon, but I will return throughout spring and summer to run sprints on this track.
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