Here are some of the "meals" we ate since last week. I forgot to take pictures most of the time, but I still managed to remember sometimes:

I had a banana with a lazy-girl´s version of Almond Butter for a snack. Since I wasn´t in the mood for cleaning the food processor, I simply mixed some ground almonds with a bit of olive oil and honey in a small cup with a spoon and that way obtained somewhat of an almond-paste.
Together, this was quite a good snack.
Then I also had a make-shift version of Paleo-Pancakes based on eggs and buckwheat-flower. I used no recipe and did what I usually do: Just mix random stuff together to see if something useful comes out of this. These pancakes turned out very thin but tasted good with fruit and cinnamon.

Finally, today I made our family some big salads with green leafy lettuce, tomatos, avocado, shrimp (fried in butter and temperated with pepper and paprika spice) and fried eggs.

This mix was delicious. I am not sure why I never tried avocado in salads before going paleo, but they are just great. I love the additional something they add to any salad.
Today, I stopped at the ice-creme store of our town after my son´s gymboree-class and he got a small cup of ice-creme whereas I went with unsweetened Cappuccino with Whipped Creme. I always used to add a lot of sugar to my Cappucino´s, but I am actually getting used to the non-sweet version.

It´s so nice, that spring is finally here. Now, if at all possible, get outside an enjoy a little of it!

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