Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 3

So, how did my 3rd Paleo-day go? Pretty good actually. There was one problem though: I was not able to go and get new meat. Therefore day 3 turned a little into a vegetarian-paleo day. That will change tomorrow as I have time for extensive grocery shopping.

Here is what I ate today:

1/1/2 Bananas, grated Almonds, Coconutmilk, Cinnamon

A huge portion of Spinache, 2 hard-boiled Eggs

Zucchini with Garlic, Onion, Bacon and Walnuts (Recipe here), leftover hard-boiled egg, Tomato


1 Pitcher of Mint Tee, 2 glasses of Water

How I felt today:
Physically, I felt great. And everytime I get to create stuff in the kitchen I am happy. Especially since I try to make my servings looks nice for the photos. And then I am happy because I get to eat something special.
Today (after some questions), I also tried to explain my change of diet to some of my family members. All of them made weird faces, telling me that I am crazy, and warning me of the consequences of "extreme diets". I tried to explain the paleo theories to them. However, since I am a newbie to this myself, I don´t think I was able to make them understand what this is all about. Besides the "carbs are not got for you", "you should avoid dairy", "we are not eating according to our paleolithic ancestors", I was not able to get into the "chemistry" behind all of this. When starting to explain things, I would get stuck in my own explanations.

Either way, maybe some of them will consider researching the paleo ways a littler further to form their own opinions. For now and until I learned much more about the paleo life, I will have to get past those puzzled looks and doubtful questions, knowing that I am doing the right thing for my health and my body. Especially since I am not trying to starve for weight-loss.

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